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As inerton theory discloses a new type of fundamental field and it’s associated mathematical framework, the logical extension would be to use the new insights we have gained through inerton theory to explain phenomena hitherto unexplained through traditional theories, and to predict phenomena that should logically follow from inerton theory.



The inerton field becomes apparent through moving particles, so we suggest that the best areas to look for explanations of inerton theory is where particles suddenly change, such as in earthquakes, solar eclipses, probes moving through space, changes between day- and night-time (during night-time, the earth shields the inerton effect of the sun) etc.

Here follow a few suggestions for areas of further investigation:

  1. Bulletdeveloping the mathematics of inerton defraction, including the sub-area of defraction of polarised inerton fields (electro-magnetic fields)

  2. Bulletmeasuring inerton radiation during earthquakes

  3. Bulletexplaining anomalous behaviours during solar eclipses

  4. Bulletmeasuring inerton radiation during solar eclipses

  5. Bulletmeasuring inerton radiation during day- and night-time

  6. Bulletmeasuring the speed of inerton waves

  7. Bulletinerton astronomy

The above examples deal with moving particle system at a larger scale. But at a much smaller scale we have of course also extensive movement and it should logically follow that phenomena at molecular, atomic and nuclear scale are also affected by inerton radiation.

Here follow a few suggestions for areas of further investigation:

  1. Bulletexplaining chemistry through inerton theory

  2. Bulletthe relationship between the formalism of quantum physics and sub-microscopic (inerton) mechanics developed in real space

  3. Bulletsub-microscopic consideration of the phenomenon of diffraction for both light and particles

  4. Bulletinerton field effects in biological processes

  5. Bulletthe structure of hadrons (quarks and their behaviour)

Researchers interested in developing some of the above-mentioned ideas in co-operation with us, please contact us through

We also encourage PhD students to take up subjects related to inerton theory. If you are interested in a PhD in co-operation with us, please contact us through is a collaboration platform for scientists interested in studying and developing the concepts around inerton theory.

This platform will also be used to put certain ideas, developments and research interest in the public domain. is owned by Indra Scientific SA, a company that develops certain applications of inerton theory commercially.

To contact, click here.

For more information on Dr. Krasnoholovets’s work, you can visit his web site by clicking here.

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